Hi there! 👋🏻

I am a freelance product designer based in London. My expertise spans various industries such as finance, healthcare, travel, gaming, cryptocurrency, and music. I've had the privilege of gaining experience by working alongside small start-ups as well as industry giants like Adobe and RCA Records.

A few facts about me

🛹 I am a longboarder and skateboarder

And I train several times a week! Through this sport, I've learned the importance of perseverance, determination, and taking calculated risks, qualities that I also apply in my career and my work.

🎸 I taught myself to play the ukulele

I started playing in 2021, during the pandemic. I enjoy the process of learning new things and continuing even if I’m not good at it from the start. You can’t beat the joy of realising that you’re finally becoming good at what you’re doing and that all the efforts finally paid off!

👗 My previous career was in fashion merchandising

I studied merchandising and worked in the field of fashion, which taught me about business metrics and helped me develop strong analytical skills (which is what merchandising is all about!). My experience in merchandising has greatly contributed to my deep understanding of how businesses operate.

💁🏻‍♀️ I also worked as a workshop facilitator and restaurant supervisor

I stumbled into the world of workshop facilitation and creation when I started helping a friend, a new teacher, with art lessons for primary school children. This led to requests from others in education for support in enhancing accessibility and inclusion.

While studying merchandising in London, I took a job as a waitress at a restaurant chain. Within 6 months, I was promoted and completed a 3-month management course to join the restaurant's management team. I also started facilitating food and wine tastings, training courses, and inductions for the company.

🥨 I am from the Alsace region in France

We have good food, we make great wines, we have fairytale villages and cities and we do Christmas better than anywhere else! (It may sound like a bold statement but Strasbourg is actually the Christmas capital of the world, that’s how good it is).